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Pokemon 475 - Gallade Archer Ver. Papercraft
Gallade (Japanese: エルレイド Erureido) is a dual-type Psychic/Fighting Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Designed by the author for Halloween
399 - Bidoof Papercraft
Bidoof (Japanese: ビッパ Bippa) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.
It evolves into Bibarel starting at level 15.
Bidoof is a brown, rodent-like Pokémon with four short legs. It has a short, dark brown snout and a small, red nose. Cream-colored...
Pokémon Legends: Arceus papercraft
1 em Pokemon Huyền Thoại được lấy từ game Pokemon Legends Arceus của Nintendo Switch
Cao 25cm Dài 25,1cm chỉ với 7 tờ và 113 parts
Mình giảm lưới chỉ còn 30% so với model gốc cho nên sẽ có rất nhiều nét đỏ, nếu ráp thì phải cần dán thêm giấy đấy nhé. 2...
448 - Lucario papercraft
Lucario (Japanese: ルカリオ Lucario) is a dual-type Fighting/Steel Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.
It evolves from Riolu when leveled up with high friendship during the day.
Lucario can Mega Evolve into Mega Lucario using the Lucarionite.
439 - Mime Jr. (Halloween) papercraft
Mime Jr. (Japanese: マネネ Manene) is a dual-type Psychic/Fairy baby Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Prior to Generation VI, it was a pure Psychic-type Pokémon.
It evolves into Mr. Mime when leveled up while knowing Mimic. In Galar, it evolves into...
455 - Carnivine Papercraft
Carnivine is a green Pokémon resembling a Venus flytrap. Its circular eyes have small pupils, and it has spiky teeth. Its stem is yellow with green spots, with red and green vines beneath with the appearance of tentacles. It has two arms resembling leaves with three...
401 - Kricketot Papercraft
Kricketot is a bipedal, bug-like Pokémon. The majority of its body is red with a streak down its front and black cape-like marking on its back. Its head is encircled with a flat, white structure similar to a collar. A female has a bigger collar than a male.
Shaymin Sky papercraft
In Sky Forme, it has a slender, canine appearance like that of a small reindeer. The fur on its back becomes a mohawk, and it has a red flower petal on the left side of its neck, resembling a scarf or cape. It has flat, white ears resembling wings, a small tuft of fur on...