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[Dragon Ball Z] Diorama Krillin Vs Frieza Papercraft
Diorama Krillin vs. Frieza Papercraft is a dramatic papercraft creation that recreates the legendary battle between Krillin and Frieza from Dragon Ball Z. The model vividly captures the intensity of the fight, showcasing Krillin’s...
[Dragon Ball Z] Black Frieza Papercraft
As Black Frieza, Frieza's lower body, neck, tail and arms acquire a dark color, while his shin and arm guards and most of his head turn a dark silver, the former two continuing their new color onto Frieza's hands and feet. The rest of his torso and...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Form 2 Ver. 2 papercraft
Spurred on by Vegeta (having learned via Zarbon about Frieza's use of suppressing transformations), Frieza briefly fakes out by causing his armor to explode out and, after divulging to Vegeta his role in the murder of his father, then unveils his...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Form 1 HD (Hips Pose) papercraft
In his first form, Frieza usually wears a standard armor of his army, consisting of a purple body suit with yellow shoulder guards.
He also appears to wear black shorts. He also occasionally wears a red scouter. When in his true natural...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Full Power HD Papercraft
100% Full Power shares almost exactly the same weakness as Super Saiyan Third Grade, being that the increased energy causes the user's muscles to swell to a very large and bulky size. This bulk causes a significant loss of stamina and energy when...
[Dragon Ball Z] Frieza Full Power (HD) Papercraft
Frieza bides his time during Goku and Jiren's fight, then saves Goku from being knocked out with a Kiai. He powers up alongside a still-alive Android 17 to face off against Jiren. Frieza attacks Jiren head-on and is able to keep up with him in...
[Dragon Ball Z] Frieza Form 1 Chibi Papercraft
Frieza teams up with Cell to act as a distraction for Goku while a horde of villains from the Dragon Team's past escape Hell, thanks to Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu's portal. Even when Frieza and Cell combine their forces to combat Goku, they both fall...
Dragon Ball - Mecha Frieza Chibi papercraft
In the alternate future timelines, Future Frieza and Future King Cold journey to Earth to destroy it in August of Age 764. Before they could even start their assault, Future Goku returns to Earth via Instant Transmission and successfully kills Future...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Frieza Chibi Avatar Papercraft
Since Frost and Frieza are universal counterparts, they have several similarities and are nearly identical in many ways. When they first met each other, both smiled, with Frieza pleasantly surprised that there was another Emperor. The two...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Hell Chibi Ver. 2 papercraft
Hight: 20cm & 30cm
Hell (地獄 Jigoku) (and once by Dr. Mashirito in the uncensored English dub of Dragon Ball Super) is a spiritual realm in Other World where the souls of the wicked and damned (and sometimes, in the case of Piccolo, Goku, and...
Frieza wall hanging low poly papercraft
Additionally, the Mecha Frieza of an unknown space-time participates as a member of Team 4. This alternate Mecha Frieza encounters Yamcha, who flees from the tyrant in terror and eventually manages to escape. In a hilarious twist of fate, Team 5's...
[Dragon Ball Z] Freezer Form 3 Ver. 2 papercraft
Frieza decides to resume the battle, and charges towards Piccolo. Piccolo flies into the air to dodge. Frieza gives chase, and Piccolo dodges again, stating that he still has the advantage in speed. However, Frieza quickly gets in front of him...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Golden Frieza Chibi avatar papercraft
Ultimate Evolution possesses an unimaginable power, surpassing both Goku and Vegeta in the SSGSS state. Especially when Frieza is at full power of this state, Goku SSGSS can't scratch Frieza's skin, even if Friza's power is greatly...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Form 1 Ver. 2 Chibi papercraft
Frieza believes no force can challenge his authority. Owing to his arrogance, Frieza generally refrains from fighting his foes. Instead, he relies on his minions to deal with challengers, and only personally confronts his opponents when...
[Dragon Ball Z: Budokai] Freezer papercraft
Frieza arguably desires absolute control more than being viewed as the most powerful being in the universe; this may be illustrated by the events on Planet Namek, as, by that time, he already controlled around 70% of the universe. By the time he...
Dragon ball Mecha Frieza Hell papercraft
Frieza possesses an entire range of transformations, each one being quite different than the others. It is implied by Vegeta and Frieza himself in the series that Frieza's fourth, most powerful form is actually his original form, with the other three...
Dragon ball - Golden Frieza (OAV 2015 Skin) Chibi papercraft
Golden Frieza (ゴールデンフリーザ, Gōruden Furīza) is the ultimate evolved form (究極進化; Kyūkyoku Shinka) of Frieza. It was first discovered and named by Frieza. This transformation was performed by Frieza during his harsh training and...
Dragon Ball - Frieza Form 4 (full power) Chibi papercraft
According to Akira Toriyama, Frieza's design is an amalgamation of what he thought monsters looked like in his childhood.[citation needed] According to the Daizenshuu, Frieza was also inspired by Toriyama's second editor, Yū Kondō...