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Corgi Christmas Ornament paper toy
Corgi's full name is Pembroke Welsh Corgi, which in Welsh translates to "dwarf dog" ("cor" is dwarf, "gi" is dog). The name speaks for the appearance of the Corgi dog: Dwarf, round and very cute . According to legend, the Corgi was a gift from a forest fairy...
Corgi ver.2 Papercraft
Two separate breeds are recognized: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. There are physical differences between the two different breeds. According to the breed standards, overall the Cardigan is larger, both in weight and height. Their tails are of...
Corgi ver.1 Papercraft
The Welsh Corgi (/ˈkɔːrɡi/ or Corgi, plural Corgis, or occasionally the etymologically consistent Corgwn; /ˈkɔːrɡuːn/) is a small type of herding dog that originated in Wales. The name "corgi" is derived from the Welsh words "cor" and "ci" (which is mutated to ‘gi’)...
Corgi dog papercraft
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has been attributed to the influences of Nordic settlers in the region. Dogs of similar dimensions exist in modern Scandinavia, called the Swedish Vallhund, and it is claimed by some historians that these two breeds share a common ancestor. In the...