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[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Tien Shinhan Chibi Avatar Papercraft
Tien Shinhan (天テン津シン飯ハン Tenshinhan) is a disciplined, reclusive and heavily devoted martial artist, and one of the strongest Earthlings within the Dragon Ball universe. He also possesses a few non-human traits due to being descended...
[Dragon Ball FighterZ] Chiaotzu (Chaozu) Chibi Avatar Papercraft
Chiaotzu (餃チャオ子ズ Chaozu) is a white-skinned, red-cheeked little Earthling. He is the constant companion and best friend of Tien Shinhan and one of Master Shen's former students.
Dragon Ball Chiaotzu Chibi (Chaozu) papercraft
Chiaotzu's design is based on Jiang Shi (Chinese vampires). The similarities are displayed in both his appearance and also when Chiaotzu performs some of his attacks. Jiang Shi is described as having white skin, red cheeks and wearing an outfit...