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This is a basketball ornament with a simple difficulty level, it contains very similar pieces which makes it quick and repetitive to create, however it is a very representative design for those fans of this sport.
Materials: Opaline paper or colored cardboard, scissors, glue, black...
Ball Cat low poly papercraft
The ball-tailed cat (Felis caudaglobosa) is a fearsome critter of North American folklore most commonly described as having similar traits to that of a mountain lion, except with an exceedingly long tail to which there is affixed a solid, bulbous mass for striking...
025-Pikachu Ball Version papercraft
Pikachu charges itself while sleeping overnight, though stress and a lack of sleep can affect this. It is able to release electric discharges of varying intensity.
H: 10mm
W: 94mm
D: 122mm
Dragon ball - Tapion Chibi papercraft
Originally, the character was going to be named Tapioka, as a pun on tapioca. However, it was changed at Akira Toriyama's request to Tapion, with his elaborating in his personal notes that he ordered it changed because he felt the pun was too direct and...
Ball money box (piggy-bank) papercraft
The Money Box is an item used in the "Stolen Goods" sidequest in Silent Hill: Downpour. It is shaped like an elephant and appears to belong to a child. It is found in the Hillside Apartments on Lansdale Avenue. The money box must be placed on the nightstand...
Dragon Ball - Tien Shinhan Papercraft
Tien Shinhan (天テン津シン飯ハン Tenshinhan) is a disciplined, reclusive and heavily devoted martial artist, and one of the strongest Earthlings within the Dragon Ball universe. He also possesses a few non-human traits due to being descended from the Three-Eyed...