
  1. Others [Zoids] Tiger Blitz [Ashley]

    [Zoids] Tiger Blitz [Ashley] papercraft The Blitz Tiger (ブリッツタイガー) is a Tiger-type of Zoid, and one of over 200 species of bio-mechanical lifeforms that form the Zoid race depicted in TOMY's Zoids Franchise. Its first appearance was in the Zoids Legacy game. Instruction: PDO
  2. Others [Zoids] Geno Hydra [Ashley]

    [Zoids] Geno Hydra [Ashley] papercraft The Geno Hydra (ジェノハイドラ) is a Tyrannosaurus-Type Zoid, one of over 200 species of biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's Zoids model, toy, and media franchise from the fictional Zoids universe. Instruction: PDO