How to get a free Premium account in PaperzoneVN


Reputation: 100%

Support policy for users contributing to PaperzoneVN library​

Free Users
Reach the Reaction Score Point (RSP)
RSP 1: 1500 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 2: 3200 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 3: 7040 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 4: 15488 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 5: 34074 reactions, You will receive the Premium Max package
RSP 6: 74963 reactions, You will receive the Premium Max 3 month package
RSP 7: coming soon

Support offers:
Premium Mini up Premium More: for only $10
Premium Mini up Premium Max: for only $15

Preferential support conditions:
When you reach RSP 1 and receive Premium Mini, We will support the conversion for you at "Support offers" at the time you receive it

* Threads must follow the format we mention here.
* Users with warnings will not be able to participate in the reward
Tips: The more carefully the threads is taken care of, the more beautiful it will be, the more people will like to download it, you will quickly achieve RSP

Premium Users
Mystery Zone: Contribute 4 templates, you will get free premium Max package in the next month
Premium Zone:
Contribute 12 templates, you will get the premium Mini package for free the next month
Contribute 36 templates, you will get free premium package More in the next month

*** 1 month we will summarize the quantity once, it will not accumulate in the next month

The change period will begin on October 1, 2023
In addition, we have some specific Premium Max package value changes as follows
Monthly Premium Zone downloads (6 categories, without Kirigami category): reduced from 24 to 8
Monthly Mystery Robot category downloads: increased from 1 to 2

See more ‘Plans and Pricing'.
how to access the mini premium package for 1500 rsp?? i has achieved the impossible
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Reactions: thienlong095


Reputation: 100%
how to access the mini premium package for 1500 rsp?? i has achieved the impossible
Follow the instructions in the alert to receive your contribution award. 029.gif

Max Galford

New Member
Reputation: 1%

Support policy for users contributing to PaperzoneVN library​

Free Users
Reach the Reaction Score Point (RSP)
RSP 1: 1500 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 2: 3200 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 3: 7040 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 4: 15488 reactions, You will receive the Premium Mini package
RSP 5: 34074 reactions, You will receive the Premium Max package
RSP 6: 74963 reactions, You will receive the Premium Max 3 month package
RSP 7: coming soon

Support offers:
Premium Mini up Premium More: for only $10
Premium Mini up Premium Max: for only $15

Preferential support conditions:
When you reach RSP 1 and receive Premium Mini, We will support the conversion for you at "Support offers" at the time you receive it

* Threads must follow the format we mention here.
* Users with warnings will not be able to participate in the reward
Tips: The more carefully the threads is taken care of, the more beautiful it will be, the more people will like to download it, you will quickly achieve RSP

Premium Users
Mystery Zone: Contribute 4 templates, you will get free premium Max package in the next month
Premium Zone:
Contribute 12 templates, you will get the premium Mini package for free the next month
Contribute 36 templates, you will get free premium package More in the next month

*** 1 month we will summarize the quantity once, it will not accumulate in the next month

The change period will begin on October 1, 2023
In addition, we have some specific Premium Max package value changes as follows
Monthly Premium Zone downloads (6 categories, without Kirigami category): reduced from 24 to 8
Monthly Mystery Robot category downloads: increased from 1 to 2

See more ‘Plans and Pricing'.
I don't know if this is the right place. Which premium package do I have the right to download all files without limitations?

Max Galford

New Member
Reputation: 1%
Não sei se este é o lugar certo. Qual pacote premium eu tenho direito de baixar todos os arquivos sem limitações?


New Member

Política de soporte para usuarios que contribuyen a la biblioteca de PaperzoneVN​

Usuarios Gratuitos
Alcanzar el Punto de Puntuación de Reacción (RSP)
RSP 1: 1500 reacciones, Usted recibirá el paquete Premium Mini
RSP 2: 3200 reacciones, Usted recibirá el paquete Premium Mini
Reacciones RSP 3: 7040, recibirá el paquete Premium Mini
Reacciones RSP 4: 15488, recibirá el paquete Premium Mini
Reacciones RSP 5: 34074, recibirá el paquete Premium Max
Reacciones RSP 6: 74963, recibirá el paquete Premium Max de 3 meses
RSP 7: próximamente

Ofertas de soporte:
Premium Mini up Premium Más: por solo $10
Premium Mini up Premium Max: por solo $15

Condiciones de apoyo preferenciales:
Cuando llegue a RSP 1 y reciba Premium Mini, apoyaremos la conversión para usted en "Ofertas de soporte" en el momento en que lo reciba

* Los hilos deben seguir el formato que mencionamos aquí.
* Los usuarios con advertencias no podrán participar en la recompensa
Consejos: Cuanto más cuidadosamente se cuiden los hilos, más hermoso será, más gente le gustará descargarlo, rápidamente logrará RSP

Usuarios Premium
Mystery Zone: Contribuya con 4 plantillas, obtendrá un paquete Max premium gratuito en el próximo mes
Zona Premium:
Contribuya con 12 plantillas, obtendrá el paquete Mini premium gratis el próximo mes
Contribuya con 36 plantillas, obtendrá un paquete premium gratuito Más en el próximo mes

*** 1 mes resumiremos la cantidad una vez, no se acumulará en el próximo mes

El período de cambio comenzará el 1 de octubre de 2023
Además, tenemos algunos cambios específicos en el valor del paquete Premium Max de la siguiente manera
Descargas mensuales de la Zona Premium (6 categorías, sin categoría Kirigami): reducido de 24 a 8
Descargas mensuales de la categoría Mystery Robot: aumentadas de 1 a 2

Ver más ‘Planes y Precios'.
con premium mini cuantas descargas puedo tener en el mes


Staff member
Reputation: 100%
Please read the information in your message when registering an account.


New Member
Reputation: 1%
san juan,Argentina
Por favor, lea la información en su mensaje al registrar una cuenta.
no hace falta¡¡ ¿solo dígame si los archivos de los modelos de papercraft c pueden descargar gratis o no, no entiendo esto de los hilos? lo único q leo es q las cuentas premium c pagan y tienen permitido descargar?
En teoría si algo es gratis en internet no t colocan ninguna traba ¡solo le das clic al enlace d descarga y listo¡ Saludos